Saturday, June 16, 2012

लोपदगामिनी द्वार

Do this, atleast once in ur lifetime ...

Get on a Fast Mumbai Local Train .. which will not halt for atleast 4 stations.

Stand at the Door..!

Face Towards the direction the Train is moving ..

Now, because The Train is not going to halt for next 4 stations.. it picks up extreme speed.

Your Hair is carressed backwards..

Your clothing shivers like its caught Pneumonia

You can barely open your eyes ..(Make sure.. you still have to look Forward.. The direction in which the train was moving)

The Train travels so fast.. Its like you're in one of those Time Travelling Machines..

Like, When the train stops.. It'll be 2030..
Speaking of.. 
Ever thought what would it be like..!

If I were to picture it ... I'd imagine 2030 would be a Conclusive Year .. Conclusion to the Big Shot Conundrums, this year... will be a Done Deal by 2030

For example ...
*=*The Biggest Mystery On TV .. and amongst everyone, who live on Sitcoms ...
How did Ted Fucking meet his children's Mother...

Soo this is how I see it.. 
In 2030,
Ted's daughter is Strangling Ted to death, coz after all the blabbering.. all the Irrelevant crap bout his Lame group.. All the Bro Code.. PlayBook.. Broath.. Lemon Law.. More laws and amendments than there are in the Constitution..
Their Hook ups.. Break Ups .. Patch Ups.. that had remotely nothing to do with her mother..
Now, Ted tells her..
He does not know her mother .. It was just another random girl he banged during Barney's just another Masquerade party .. after they were drunk
To make the sex, more kinky.. They never removed their masks.
And at some random day ..
After a year ...
A Baby is dropped at his door .. 
Like Mail..

*=* THE WINTER FINALLY CAME ...! #GameOfThrones

*=* Two and a half Men .. are Finally THREE COMPLETE MEN

*=* Manmohan Singh died long back ..
Cause of Death:- Viral Throat Infection
Nobody knew he was suffering from it .. Not even his Family.. coz apparently the symptoms include 'Inconvenience in talking .. Hoarseness of Voice .. Unclear Vocals'..!

The Present Prime Minister is Chamaar Abdullah ..
Omar Abdullah's Evil Cousin.
Rahul Gandhi still having a blast at the Dalits.. Free Food, Free stay, Free Dalit Sex

*=* Apple CEO Tim Cook also Dead ..
Cause of Death:- Piles ..
That cursed CEO Chair .. eats people ..
Apple still releases iOS 99

*=* Aishwarya Rai never got slimmer after childbirth..
Abhishek Bachchan convincing her daughter.. that LIC Agent was'nt his primary career from the beginning .. 
He was an actor for real in the past ..!

*=* Sachin Tendulkar Retired long back ...!
After Rajya sabha membership .. He is now the 'Nagar Sevak' of Kaju Pada, Kurla.
Not really..!  No..! Just Kiddin ^_- 
Its Indira Nagar..!
I know .. Posh..

and yeaa Kambli still bitches over it ..!

*=* People still eating each other up over Manchester United and Chelsea FC ...
and India still did not make it to Football.
Their FIFA ranking goes parallel with the ageing of the Salvatore Brothers ..! #VampireDiaries
Last Time i checked in 2011 .. Salvatore Brothers were 162 yrs old .. So was India's FIFA ranking.. and its been 18 years since then.
Do the Math

The Fictional way of doing this, Imagining things, while standing at the Coach Door.. is Fun ..
Big Time.

and I've had my part of fun doing this a lodda times ..
At times .. Its Time travel ..
At times .. I convince myself.. I'm Flying.. like BuzzLightyear

2 ∞ & →

by just bending a lil 90 deg. towards the door.
It also gives it that metaphoric feel, of 'Azzad Parinde' ... #FreeBird #Udaan #Pankh #YourMom #NasalHair #IDonnoWhatAmITypingAnymore 


At times .. Just Singing
Sing out loud ..
Ofcourse when there are a few/no people around..
When you sing it, facing in the direction The Train is going ..
The wind kinda reverberates back the sound .. and it gives an acoustic feel to it ..
That makes you both ... The वक्ता/गायक and The श्रोता ..! which is like sooo Khool.. :D

Moreover.. I sing songs that have had a [Travelling sequence/ Lyrics Pertaining to a Travel] in the Movie ..

Hum jo chalne lagey.. chalne lagey hai yeh raaste

Raahi ka toh Kaam hai Chalta hi jaye

Yeh Hawayein.. Gun Gunaein, Pooche Tu Hai Kahan?

Do Pal Ruka.. Khabon ka Carvan..

Above All ..

Gaadi Bula Rahi Hai .. Seeti Bajaa Rahi hai .. Chalna hi zindgi hai ..chalti hi jaa rahi hai
(No! Actually.. Not Above All.. Infact have heard just once... )

This Verbal Playlist .. at times is a Ball for me .. during my 30 minute Train Travel ..

Childlike? Amateur? Lame?

One can term it whatever they wish like ..
but I admit .. I'm a 'Fancy Day Dreamer' ..!


There was just this One time .. when things went quite differently..!

In a pretty upset mood ..
I Get in The Train at 11:30..

Standing at the door of the coach ..
Facing the Same direction .. As always...
Dealing with the Same Speed.. As always...

Song Playing in my Earpiece

Abhi Na Jao, Chodd kar.. Ke dil Abhi Bharaa Nahi

in a very dim volume ..

Was not really listening to the song .. but, it was still keepin me in peace ..

I started to look around. .
*=*A Man walking on the Railway Track... lost in his space .. (Weird Man Cave)

*=* Men fixing tracks .. in this poor heat .. what will they get by the end of the day? About 300-500 bucks .. Enough to feed a family ??

*=* People Pooping on side tracks

*=* An Old Man eating stuff out of the Garbage

A station passes by..

*=* A Group of Folks .. are chilling while they wait for their train to come ..
*=* A Shop with a young kid .. who must be 8 or 9 by age
*=* A Lady Police officer crying by the Pillar at the end of the platform


Inside The Train

*=* Women begging with their babies
*=* A 5 yr Old begging with 3yr old AND approx a 6 mnth baby ..!
*=* A Wannabe, in Monkey-Wash jeans .. Duplicate Rayban Glares
A Lame Ed Hardy T shirt.. with EdHardy Stiched on it.. making every deliberate attempt to get a girl.. but wont ever get one..!
*=* A Guy on the phone, calling out his galfrnd with weird nicknames .. possibly having his 1st relationship.. which he's pretty much gonna Fuck up..!
(Marshall and Lily are Fictional)
*=* An man in his 30's ... keepin to himself.. who was tormented by his wife again for Money( 'Expenses' - in their Currency )

EveryOne of us .. carry a story on our backlog ..
While Looking around.. when you come across just one story, that makes yours look petty
in Comparison ..

You wanna turn back and take another good look at it.

But its too late.. 
There's always this limited window to everything ..
Explaining this metaphorically by The Train example..!
In that Speed of that Train ... I could only catch a Glimpse of everything that I mentioned above ..
For barely 3-5 seconds ..
Ofcourse except the one's that were in the Train..
A Small Limited window of Time, and Opportunity
You could either Grab it .. or You could just Stand by .. and mourn about it..

Whatever you do .. Keeps you to the Hang of it for the rest of your life ..

Soo You either stand at the Coach door ..


Just Pull the Chain ... Stop the Train

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